ReCyCONtrol News
Final colloquium “ReCyCONtrol”

Final colloquium “ReCyCONtrol”

On October 9, the final colloquium “ReCyCONtrol” took place in the Royal Stables of Leibniz Universität Hannover with around 90 participants from various areas of industry and science.

The ReCyCONtrol research consortium, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, has developed a completely new approach to fresh concrete production over the past three years:
Sensors continuously monitor all steps of fresh concrete production and, through the use of artificial intelligence and computer vision, make it possible to control the fresh concrete against fluctuations in the raw materials. The developments were presented by all project partners at the final colloquium. In addition to exciting presentations, individual methods were also presented in practical prototype status.

Many thanks to all project partners for the exciting and successful collaboration!